Sunday, November 20, 2011


Quite a special date today, isn't it ? However, nothing special for me today. Still back to the daily routines. It's Sunday and i'm staying whole day long at home, bought some groceries in the afternoon and that's all. What a coincidence, my boy is having his day off today, which is quite rare since he started his internship :D

The schedule for x'mas's choir performances has released early this morning. There will be 7 performances in total, not including the extras :D I'm kinda thrilled when i received the email. The first performance will be next Sunday. I'm excited yet anxious.hmm.. I think I haven't mentioned about the x'mas performances that i joined in my last few posts. Let me share bits, It's a choir performance. However, this performance is kind of special. Not only singing as a group but we are required to do movements too. This really made me recalled back the past few years when i used to joining SCC. It's quite similar, but this time i'm not dance together with children. I'm collaborating with my university friends, some of us are same age but some are older :D We have been starting practicing since the early of November. Til now, i'm still struggling with the lyrics. in each performance, we need to perform 8-10 songs in total. this is what anxious me, 8-10 songs with different movements in each song. GEEZ..
Since I've committed to this job, then it's my responsibility to accomplish it too :) I'm still over excited sometimes \(^.^)/

i can smell x'mas is right in the corner.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

while insomnia attacks..

i prefer to do some writings here rather than keeping it inside my mind.

It's a sudden wake-up tonight, i fell asleep around 11 just now. Now it's 3am, i came out to the living room,turned on my laptop and here i am.

I'm uncertain of what i'm thinking right now.
I want to burst into tears however, i cant.
I want to ask but not dare enough.
I want to let you know what i'm thinking , you won't say anything.
implementing my thoughts in my mind is the best way,perhaps.

Let me share about myself, just a random piece of mind
I don't like to bother people
Sometimes my action will reflect what i'm thinking.
You'll see a random change of myself in a blink of an eye. Just because,my mind is thinking of sth. If a sudden silence happened in me, there's sth happened inside there.
I don't like double-faces person, double personality is even worse.
Pity i am, i'm a typical of hard to put trust in someone.
I keep worrying of someone who will take me for granted.
Sometimes it bothered me,then complicates me into an intricate mind.

You never show me what you've thought of.
Sometimes i need words to clarify the feelings.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

i'm back

I'm back to my blog again after a while. My last post was in August and how the time flies, it's November now. Approaching the end of year, after the Christmas celebration, this year will end and starts off again with another new page. Remaining the past as memories and lesson to learn, Give thanks in everything happened in the past as things just happened for a reason. Human just can plan, God decides :)

Currently, I'm fulfilling my days as a volunteer in UCDC, a kindergarten that affiliates with my University. I'm staying while waiting for my Xmas caroling at the end of November. Since my time are just too much free, i decided to be a helper there. It begins from 9 until 1. There, I'm interacting with children from the age of 3-5, learning various of children's character and how to deal with them. it's just sth that worth to try for those who loves children.

The rest of the time, i do my stuffs :) and ... Life is just good currently. I planned and i work it out :) things are just as simple as that. sometimes i wondered whether i'm just being too positive in everything or how. Well, not to mentioned that i'm not worry at all. But, i just keep my mind to be positive all the time. It's just exhausted to keep worrying things that actually didn't happen at all, Since you have done your best nothing to be worried of.

I have something bothered me lately too.. It's seems like i love to exaggerate things sometimes. well, it happened not even once but frequent,perhaps. I don't like LIES :( really, i detest lies profoundly. If i have to think it positively, then maybe you don't want me to over thinking sth that didn't exist. But, i'm not such positive anyway, IF nothing happened, why the lies came out? preventing another problems to happen ?

I'm just wondering, when you are going to let me know the truth. It's deeply heartbreaking if I found it out myself. I just wish you to know..