Tuesday, August 31, 2010


last few days here :(
will go back to reality again this sunday :)) cheer up , being in such melancholic is not the way ..
i got my marks alrdy , just viewed it from uni's website last night ;PP
3As and 3Bs . well , is it satisfying ? im just feeling grateful for it . at least im not disappointing my parents . will do better again next sem :DD left one marks left -- my history , the worst part .im not sure wht it will be =.= i just can pray and pray .. hope the marks will release soon .. and satisfying :P

being in such melancholy recently =.=
somehow im thinking , am i lack of confidence or how , i dont know actually did i do well or the teacher is too kind in giving the marks .. hmmmm ... too bad if i keep thinking this way .. confidence , i really need youuu :S how can i get it ?!!
then , im quite successful in hiding every feelings in my heart , but failed to express it .. :(
i just keep it inside , no one knws wht problems am i having , dunno im thinking too much on my pride or how . thing i need to do is share rgt ? share it outt .. im too fear of ppl thots . i knw that all of their comments are for my own sake , but there are still uncomfortable feelings after i heard it ..
is this wht ppl sd " ai ia mai su " hmm .. im dealing wth that since long" time ago .
i do hate comparison . oh , please , everyone has his/ her own ability , how can ppl judge :S
dont u knw everyone has stuggled to the max , but u just simply blurted out words that made someone down .

had a small reunion wth x-classmates last sunday , after a year :)
another semester is coming soon , sem4 , time really flies as i glimpse my eyes . it had been a year as a university student :) somehow wanna go back to my HS time , where burdens , lame thoughts , problems in making decisions are not that much ,, but yea .. life goes on :))

im truly grateful with wht i have now ,
but human being will never satisfy :)
keep up the good work and all the best :)

latest news :
the highest mountain in north sumatera,Sinabung had erupted two days ago
hope everyone there be resilient in facing that calamity
god bless u everyone :)
these days , be alert guys , approaching to the muslim's feast day , ppl are thinking to have a shortcut in earning money . beware :)

have a nice day ppl :)
god bless :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Cewek Gemini biasanya berpenampilan menarik, dengan kepandaian hebat, wanita yang sangat menarik. Ia bergerak cepat dan ia tidak dapat duduk atau berdiri diam dalam jangka waktu lama. Ia mampu melakukan banyak hal dan melakukannya secepat mungkin. Jika anda berkencan dengannya, mungkin anda akan merasa merasa sedang berkencan dengan banyak wanita pada saat yang bersamaan. Anda tidak akan dapat mengikatnya dengan kata "Cinta", karena ia peduli dengan cinta, tetapi hal itu bukanlah faktor utama dalam kehidupannya. Anda harus dapatmenyesuaikan diri denganya supaya anda dapat mengenal banyak karakter yang dimilikinya. Ia adalah wanita pemimpi yang memiliki banyak impian. Ia selalu ingin belajar mengenai sesuatu yang baru setiap saat.

Walaupun dia memiliki karakter 2 in 1, ia cukup beruntung dalam hal cinta. Untuk mengejarnya, anda harus mengerahkan semua kemampuan anda. Bahkan ketika dia sudah menyukai anda dan terpesona oleh kemampuan anda, ia juga akan melihat dan menyelidiki sisi buruk anda, karena hal ini adalah sifat alaminya.

Ia mampu menangani semua macam emosi yang campur aduk tanpa harus mengganggu atau memperlihatkannya kepada anda. Ia dapat membuat anda gembira dengan bersikap layaknya seekor burung kecil. Perbincangan dengannya tidak akan membosankan anda. Ia mampu berbicara dengan anda mengenai topik apapun.

Dia akan mampu membuat anda merasa menjadi cowok paling beruntung di dunia. Dia mampu membuat anda merasa bahwa ia membutuhkan semua perhatian anda, tetapi begitu dia ingin sendrian, dia mampu berdiri teguh dan tenang. Ia dapat menjadi teman baik anda dan berbicara kepadanya mengenai apapun.

Ia dapat mengikuti semua aktifitas anda dengan energi yang sama seperti yang anda punya. Ia adalah orang dengan pemikiran dan kemampuan belajar yang cepat. Ia dapat melihat arah proyek anda dan dia dapat memberi nasihat yang sangat baik. Jika dia berpikir bahwa anda tidak menginginkan dirinya hanya untuk anda, maka ia hanya akan bertindaklayaknya teman baik anda saja, seorang wanita yang "cool".

Ia dapat dengan mudah membuat seorang pria jatuh cinta kepadanya. Moodnya yang selalu berubah adalah "pesona" bagi banyak pria. Ia dapat saja tertawa terbahak-bahak selama 2 menit dan kemudian terdiam membisu. Ia ingin hanya menemukan 1 cinta sejati saja, dan ia ingin menemui pria idamannya. Ia berharap banyak, bahkan terkadang terlalu banyak.

Ia selalu menunggu kedatangan seorgan "kesatria tampan" bahkan pada saat ia telah memiliki seorang pacar. Ia bisa saja jatuh cinta atau menyukai orang lain pada saat bersama dengan anda. Jikaanda putus dengannya, ia tidak akan lupa dalam jangka waktu pendek, karena perubahan adalah sifat alaminya.

Wanita gemini lebih banyak menyakiti hati pria daripada wanita zodiak lainnya. Karena dia seorang pemimpi dan selalu menunggu kedatangan kesatria tampannya, maka kehidupan cintanya benar- benar rumit atau bahkan berantakan. Ia tidak pernah suka menulis surat panjang lebar, jadi jika anda menulis surat, dan ingin mendapat jawaban secepatnya dari dia, jangan pernah berharap banyak.

Karena dia memiliki kepribadian berganda dan banyak ide, maka ia tidak suka untuk menuliskannya. Karena ia tahu, bahwa ia berpikir, hari ini dan besok belum tentu sama. Ia dapat berkomunikasi dalam lebih dari 1 bahasa, seseorang dengan bakat linguistik luar biasa. Jika ia ingin mengatakan komentar buruk kepada anda, dia tidak akan mengatakannya langsung.

Tetapi ia akan mengatakan kengenai banyak hal, dan secara tidak sengaja akan mencapai subyek yang ingin dicapainya tanpa menyinggung anda. Biasanya dia tidak akan berbohong. Ia akan bekerja keras dan sekali-kali akan mengambil istirahat panjang. Ia tidak pernah merasa puas dengan kondisi kerjanya sekarang, dengan uang, atau reputasinya sekarang, ia selalu ingin mendapat lebih lagi.

Jangan pernah tanyakan dia, apa sebenarnya hal yang bisa-bisa memenuhi semua keinginannya, karena dia tidak akan pernah menjawab. Begitu anda mengenal dia, dia akan menjadi orang yang mendukung dan selalu siap disamping anda. Ia memiliki impian yang indah, dan ia menginginkan adanya orang yang memiliki keinginan dan kemampuan yang sama dengannya, yang akan selalu bersama mendampingi dia.

Monday, August 23, 2010

new hair cut anyw :)

i had my hair cut last two days :P
i've transformed my hair from the long one to shorter one :)
im just getting bored with that long style ..

before :

after :

haha .. which one looks nicer ? :)
whatsoever :) will just let it grow again ..

hometown craziness :D

im in my loveliest hometown ever now , MEDAN :P

recently i did not do any posting because the limitation of time to online here , lebay and sok sibuk mode : ON . haha .
well , these days , im just hanging around , and eat till i drop . i ate everything that is provided . im gonna be a well-rounded , big fatty lady if i keep eating that much . i wnt to do sports , but those laziness really drive me crazy ,,

i've been a week here, time flies as i glimpse my eyes here and im gonna back to my hectic uni life in 2 weeks time . well, its not exactly 2 weeks ( smirking ;P) im going to have a trip with my fam again , next 2 weeks while it's closer the verge of the Idul Fitri, the celebration for the Muslims , my parents n bro , aunt n fam and granny will have holidays during those days. :PP

hanging around with friends , it's exhilarating :DD nothing is much pleasure than this being in hometown. go for dinner, chit chat , gossips , tell jokes, bully and quip each other, well ..it's just nice .
for those who are strieving , strieving for anything , good luck for u guysss :)) semangat !! :))

Thursday, August 12, 2010

peng you :)

im here to share bits of my thots :)

things in my mind now are :

i felt sorry to hear about the news of one of my buddies , abrokee , well , everything will gonna be alrght dear , time will heal everything , just be patient k . it's difficult to forgt someone whom u're deeply love . well , it's very common thing . hope u'll gt better soon :)

for anitto , wkak .
all the best for u yee :) make something that can mk ehem" melt til drop .haha .
wish u luck here ,haha . i do salute wth everything that u've done . it's GREAT ! haha . well , im not going to compliment u again , later ur head will get bigger and bigger ..

for athaiso , hoyy . congrats man ! :P ga sia" lu jauh" menimba ilmu .haha . best wishes for u guys too :PPP i think we shud go somewhr to eat ! and u knw whr it is .. u shud have known the road well .. haha ..

for aeltspo , haha . good luck for ur ielts tomorrow , good luck , do everything slowly but sure :P
best wishes for u madame ::)))

for asicko , hey , hv u recovered ? i'll be back next two days ..haha . let's hang around! haha ..

life is unpredictable , we never knw what is going to happen later . if it's the decision that u have made then whatever risk that u met , u have to endure . do u prefer to get hurt now or later ? it's the same ,u're getting hurt too , it's just the matter of time .

im using initials here to avoid the leaking of privacy ( broken english) :P
it just sounds cute ,whateverr .haha ..

" don't judge a book by its cover " not every outer appearance represents their inner .
this applies to anything . but, im talking about my friends actually :PP
not in terms to compliment them , but just saying the truth .haha
i know them . they're my childhood friends , and it has been a long time we mingle together, from seeing them wearing red skirts/pants until now we as a university students ..
they're not as what people assumed ,although they always look mischievous , but deeply in their heart , they're different .. but am i too praising them ? haha . whatever , im just saying the truth though . i just salute with them from the way they love someone , keep up the good work guysss :PP
and remember , i always welcome every single invitations that send to my house :PPP
and , im here whenever u guys need :DD

i do heart them :)
it's just a pleasure to know each of them in my life ,
thank you for being my friends .
missing them lately ..

university life :)

i just love being a university student .

well , even it's tough but it's part of life that u wont feel in another pace of life .
school time also great , but school time , we're still under control of everything that we did.
uni's life ,im not talking about being freedom , but it's just different .
i do everything what is the best for me , being independent in doing everything .
even im really exhausted with things that happened in uni's life , the studies, things to prepare , the packed schedule , but it'll always be part of uni's life ..

i had my history exam in exam hall just now , i felt the environment . hundreds of ppl pursuing their subject to pass the exam .everyone is struggling .
well , im not that confident that i can pass that , but everything has passed , i had done my best .
i'll just let God take the rest ..

Sunday, August 8, 2010

heihoh ! memories !

topic of the day : im looking ways to beautify my blog :S

feels so envy wth those who have nice BLOG :(
haha ..

maybe i have to learn it from expert though , their blog are just GREAT !

sharing my thoughts here * just want to speak out :(( *

what is he doing now ?
did he ever think of me ?
all those songs are representing my feelings .. did he knw ?
those days were just left as memories .
im just not being good :( too bad .
hurting his feeling was things that i always did.
nothing i can do now ..
i just dont want to recapitulate any same mistakes that i've ever did.
even it's tough , but i just can endure :(

and all those reminiscence , it's just too difficult to forget
Things wont change , it will just remained as memories ..

did i need to be shame of everything that i had done ?
shame to tell him ? can we be good friends ?
can i act as nothing ever happened before ?
may i ? may i demolish every single bad thoughts in his mind ?
im too cruel that time rgt ?
im really sorry ..
that's all i can say ,

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

hello :)

hi . long time didn't blog . quite lots of stuffs to do recently ..
my term paper , final exams :S
brutal , everything has begunn , all the best :)
will do blogging again after i settle everything ,
wish me luck ! all the besT !
jia youu !!